we are in the age of the internet
the digital explosion
social media storm
we can all relate
to wifi free zones
cellphone pocket crutch doesn’t mean much
cuz its filter and mask
busy and task
endless projections
light filled deflections
getting way from what’s real
so you no longer know how you feel
endless projections
mindless inspections
binge watching netflix
skipping dinner late night snacks
playing over and over tracks
redefining pin boards
and income brackets
crossover hacks
niche follow backs
pushing to suceed
endless want and need
none of this is possible without satelites
without electricity
without skylights
and has beens
jealously and annoyance
silicone boyance
giffs and tiffs
public riffs
and coding
and floating
google always knows
facebook always shows
celebrity culture
all your wishes and hopes
causes and copes
algorithm slopes
redeem your self worth
because sometimes
even Instagram hurts
trying to let you know that you should do other things.